Garden edging is a great way to define different areas of your garden, prevent weeds from spreading, and add a touch of style. There are many different types of garden edging available, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs and budget. If you are thinking about installing garden edging in your garden, here are a few tips to help you get the job done right:

1. Choose the right type of edging

There are many different types of garden edging available. Each type of edging has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose the one that is best suited for your needs. Gardenstone specialises in Decorative Garden Edging for every garden. With both traditional and modern designs to choose from in a range of colours and styles. They are durable and frostproof proof too - a must in the UK climate!

terracotta border edging

2. Plan your layout

Before you start installing your garden edging, it is important to plan your layout. This will help you to ensure that the edging is installed correctly and that it meets your needs.

  • Measure the area where you will be installing the edging. This will help you to determine how much edging you will need to purchase.
  • Decide on the shape and size of the edging. You may want to create a straight edge, a curved edge, or a combination of both.
  • Consider the style of your garden. The style of your garden will help you to determine the type of edging that will best complement it.

3. Prepare the soil.

The soil should be loose and free of debris before you start installing the edging. This will help the edging to sit level and prevent it from moving.

  • Remove any weeds or other plants from the area where you will be installing the edging.
  • Loosen the soil with a spade or garden fork.
  • Remove any large rocks or other debris from the soil.

4. Install the edging

Once the soil is prepared, you can start installing the edging. Lay the edging in a bed of mortar with approximately a little under half of the height showing proud above the surface edge. It is possible to avoid using mortar where the ground is firm and by pushing the edging into the ground along the border edge. However, we would always recommend fixing with a bed of mortar.

stone edging with green grass

5. Finish the job

Once the edging is installed, you can finish the job by adding mulch or gravel around the edging. This will help to keep the soil in place and prevent weeds from growing.