30 August 2021
A Guide to Garden Photography
In days gone by we all relied on high quality magazines to provide inspiration for garden projects, but with the huge popularity of social channels such as Instagram it's possible to discover great ideas and tips direct from real people in their own homes and gardens.
Whether you're an influencer with a large social following or a simple account for friends and family our guide to garden photography is packed full of pointers to enable everyone to take better photographs of their own garden spaces.
Tip 1: Clean Up
It might sound simple but a good spring clean before picking up the camera or phone is essential! Getting rid of any rubbish, mowing the lawn and weeding the paths and borders will instantly make any space look better in photographs.
Tip 2. Focus on the Features
Look around the garden for the best features to focus the photographs on. This could be a patio circle, garden furniture, a planted border in full bloom, a feature BBQ or a full outdoor kitchen, for just a few examples.
Tip 3: The Rule of Thirds
One of the most straight forward tips for taking better photographs is to utilise the Rule of Thirds. Most modern cameras and smartphones have an option to add a cross section grid to the viewing screen to help you centre your photographs on the features you are looking to highlight.
It's worth exploring the settings on your camera or smartphone to see if it's a device that offers a spirit level on the viewing screen. Use the Rule of Thirds with a spirit level to give your photographs a good foundation for success. Remember, however "arty" it may look to photograph a table and chairs at a 45 degree angle, it's unnatural and hard for viewers to connect with. Get the horizon straight for the best results.
Tip 4: Use the Weather
Good lighting is an essential element for the best photography and for interior settings it is of course possible to manufacture artificial lighting to suit the requirements. In a garden setting you should be looking to take photographs on sunny days with clear skies. Professional photographers will wax lyrical about a thing called "golden hour" which is the period directly after the sun rises and the hour before it sets. The sunlight at these times of day is at its warmest and most welcoming, which adds an instant connection for viewers of your photographs.
Tip 5: Shoot from Multiple Angles
From waist to eye level photographs tend to work best in most situations, as this is natural for the eye to ponder. Low angled shots can offer a unique perspective and although not the go-to method they can help highlight certain features such as garden paving or close up macro shots of flowers in the garden. Combine different angles with the Rule of Thirds on a sunny day and watch your photography improve dramatically!
Share Your Photos With Us
If you're the proud owner of some Gardenstone products in your garden we'd love to see photos! Use the hashtag #yourgardenstone and tag us @gardenstone when posting on social media!
Image Credits
Photo by Kristina Paukshtite from Pexels
Photo by Mohamed Abu Nahel from Pexels